2016 박근혜 대통령 이란 국빈 방문기
sides supported the efforts towards these ends, and
shared the view that nuclear weapons development can
never enhance security.
Both sides underscored the importance of maintaining
peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. In this
regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed support
for the aspirations of the Korean people for peaceful
unification of the Korean Peninsula.
Both sides shared the view on the seriousness of the
Afghan refugee crisis. Noting that Iran has accepted a
substantial number of Afghan refugees, the Republic
of Korea decided to provide humanitarian assistance of
USD 10 million for Afghan refugees in Iran in 2016 in
addition to its provision of USD 7 million thus far.
V. Cooperation in the judiciary and
security areas
Both sides agreed to enhance their judicial cooperation
in all fields through the exchange of delegations and
specialized cooperation on mutual judicial assistance in
criminal, civil and commercial affairs.
Both sides recognized terrorism and violent extremism
as t h reats aga inst a l l human it y and globa l peace
and stabilit y. Emphasizing the necessit y for f irm
and integrated determination of the international
community in fighting terrorism and preventing violent
extremism, they recognized the UN resolution of “World
Against Violence and Extremism” (WAVE) proposed
by President Rouhani, as an appropriate framework to
attain such goals. They also expressed their support for
the UN Secretary General’s Plan of Action to Prevent
Violent Extremism and readiness to discuss pragmatic
cooperation and policies in this regard.
Th rough enhancement of contac ts and bi latera l
cooperation, both sides agreed to reinforce their fight
against smuggling and trafficking of goods and illegal
drugs, cyber-crimes, transnational and organized crimes.
They also agreed to strengthen cooperation between
their law-enforcement institutions in various areas
including the training of law-enforcement personnel.
Both sides shared the view that the state visit of President
Park has created a milieu of understanding between
the two countries. The two Presidents emphasized the
importance of full implementation of the aforementioned
commitments, agreements and MOUs inked during the
visit to expedite the trend of cooperation between the
two governments.
President Park invited President Rouhani to visit Korea
at a convenient time and President Rouhani accepted the
Tehran, May2, 2016
한·이란 공동성명 / 영문
Both sides shared the view that science, technology
and information & communication are an important
foundation in economic development and agreed
to increase mutual cooperation in these fields, and
welcomed the advance in substantive cooperation
between private sectors including telecommunication
businesses from the two countries.
Both sides also agreed to make efforts to expand the
cooperation between the two countries in the areas of
maritime affairs and fishing, environment and forestry.
III. Cooperation in the cultural,
education and tourism areas
Both sides agreed to encourage more exchanges in
cultural affairs between the two countries, both of which
have a rich history and abundant cultural heritage.
Furthermore, both sides agreed to designate the year
2017 as the Year of Korea-Iran Cultural Exchange.
In order to boost cultural activities, Iran and Korea
expressed their readiness to negotiate establishing
cultural centers in their respective capitals in the near
Recalling that the Korean side has successfully operated
a college level Iranian Language Department for decades,
Iran and Korea expressed their readiness to negotiate
establishing a Korean Language Department in an
Iranian University at the earliest convenience.
Both sides, emphasizing the need to nurture joint
research programs between their universities and
research institutes, agreed to encourage the exchange of
professors and students at the academic level.
Both sides noted the role of tourism as an essential
element in fostering affinity and deepening mutual
understanding between the two peoples. In this regard,
the two sides agreed to take necessary measures to
promote tourism, including simplification of the visa
process, establishment of direct f lights, and mutual
participation in each other’s tourism fairs.
The two sides agreed to further strengthen cooperation
in various fields including sports, media, and arts,
amongst others.
Both sides reaffirmed that the Tehran Street in Seoul and
the Seoul Street and Park in Tehran stand as symbols of
the friendship between the two countries, and agreed
to mutually cooperate to establish the K-Tower in Iran
and I-Tower in Korea, as a focal point of cultural and
economic cooperation between the two countries.
IV. Regional cooperation on the Korean
Peninsula and the Middle East
Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to upholding
the purposes and principles of the UN Charter in
the conduct of international relations, and agreed
to constructively contribute to the promotion and
strengthening of international peace and security.
Both sides agreed to continue cooperation at the bilateral
and multilateral level with a view to achieving peace,
stability, and security in Northeast Asia and the Middle
Expressing their support for the objectives of the nuclear
weapons-free world, the two sides reaffirmed their
commitment to the NPT and denuclearization. Both